Minecraft Club
Minecraft Club
Minecraft Club is more than just a free, safe, kid-friendly Minecraft server for kids ages 8-13. It’s also an online community where kids can explore their own creativity through unstructured play, collaborate with peers, and deepen their knowledge of Minecraft. With the Minecraft Education Edition and Java Edition, students could learn Math, Science, Languages, Government, Computer Science, Digital, Environment, Gaming, History, Music, Leadership, Geography, etc.
2D Python Game Design
Instructor: Nathan Gorski
- Computer Science and Mathematics in the honors program at the University of Minnesota
- Enjoys programming 2D games in free time, and has worked on games similar to Pokemon and Super Mario
- Worked with Elementary and Middle school students in camps and after school programs for three years
Minecraft Blockly Javascript
Instructor: Paul Richard
- Tutoring students in college and has developed an utmost respect for young minds and imaginations.
- Created a custom blockly application to simplify Minecraft plugin creation.
- Enjoys building Arduino robotics (toys) and has taught elementary students and higher for the last 5 years.