Join our Minecraft Club

Kid Club is more than just a free, safe, kid-friendly Minecraft server for kids ages 8-13. It’s also an online community where kids can explore and collaborate with peers, and deepen their knowledge of STEAMS.

Digital Citizen Community Club at Bay Coding

Minecraft Club

There are vast amounts of educational resources and lessons for Minecraft. Minecraft is more than a game, it is a 3D environment that you can control, mod and create. Our goal with this club is to inspire students of all ages and genders to explore computing and Coding or STEM. We expose students to the inner workings of Minecraft and the operating systems that run it. Through interaction in Minecraft, students learn coding, artificial intelligence, robotics, VR and data science, also a strong focus on creativity and critical thinking of soft skills. During class students will learn to build servers, write start-up scripts, edit configuration files and use Command/Structure Blocks to shape their worlds.

minecraft, video game, blocks


What can you learn from Minecraft?
math, symbols, blackboard

Math / Computer Science

minecraft, castle, render

Government / Leadership

piano, music score, music sheet

Music / Theater

physics, science, medical

Environment / Chemistry

abstract, perspective, background

Gaming / Digital

Meet our Counselors

They are Minecraft professionals,Software Engineers