The Minecraft courses are the place that turn your child’s passion for Minecraft into a lifelong interest in learning, making, and creativity. Students’ modeling abilities, logical thinking natural relationships, artistic appreciation and humanities can be greatly improved through the learning.

Code with Minecraft

The fundamental concepts of Minecraft. Controls, creativity, architectures, redstones and basic block-based programming. The comprehensive concepts of Minecraft. Redstones( basic and advanced). Programming (both block-based and scripting based) are included.

Minecraft Blockly Javascript Creation

The comperehensive concepts of Minecraft.Controls.Redstones( basic and advanced). Programming (both block-based and scripting based) are inclouded.


Digital Minecraft club

Kid Club is more than just a free, safe, kid-friendly Minecraft server for kids ages 8-13. It’s also an online community where kids can explore and collaborate with peers, and deepen their knowledge of STEAMS.


minecraft, map, city
Course Description:
  • Coding with Minecraft, learn conditionals, functions, coordinates, and more.
  • Help students learn to code, and apply coding across STEM subjects.
  • This flexible curriculum based on CSTA standards.
  • Foundational computer Science concepts and help students build computational thinking skills.
Instructor: Ricky Dong
  • Programming conselor at Bay Coding Club
  • Programming Language: Java, Python
  • Game development: Java mini-game development
  • Robotics: FIRST Technology Challenge robot build up and programming
Course Session:
Whole level : Saturday 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm  PT
Semi-Private : Saturday2:30 pm – 3:30 pm  PT
minecraft, architecture, modern architecture

Three sessions program, eight  classes per-session

Minecraft Blockly Javascript Creation

Course Description
  • This course will guide the student step-by-step to the completion of 3 plugin minigame projects.
  • Each project will highlight different Minecraft features such as joining a server, creating a lobby, a scoreboard, determining a game winner, special weapons and many other Minecraft properties and capabilities.
  • Ultimately each student will be shown how to populate and administrate their own public server that will be available to any player with an internet connection.
Instructor: Paul Richard
  • Tutoring students in college and has developed an utmost respect for young minds and imaginations.
  • Created a custom blockly application to simplify Minecraft plugin creation.
  • Enjoys building Arduino robotics (toys) and has taught elementary students and higher for the last 5 years.
Sign up here:
From level 1 to level 3 :Monday/Thursday
 2:30-3:30pm PDT (5:30-6:30pm EST)

Digital Citizen Community Club at Bay Coding

Digital Minecraft Club

  • There are vast amounts of educational resources and lessons for Minecraft. Minecraft is more than a game, it is a 3D environment that you can control, mod and create. Our goal with this club is to inspire students of all ages and genders to explore computing and Coding or STEM.
  • We expose students to the inner workings of Minecraft and the operating systems that run it. Through interaction in Minecraft, students learn coding, artificial intelligence, robotics, VR and data science, also a strong focus on creativity and critical thinking of soft skills. During class students will learn to build servers, write start-up scripts, edit configuration files and use Command/Structure Blocks to shape their worlds.
Register here:


What can you learn from Minecraft?

Math,Science,Languanges,Government,Computer Science.Digital, Theater, Environment,Gaming, History,Music,Leadershp,Geography,Geography,etc

Our Most Popular Courses

What Our Students Have to Say

Emma was happy learning with the Python at BayCodingClub. She learned a lot through a projects-based learning curriculum, and practice a lot at home. She said:"It is fun, i like Python."
people, women's, girl
Emma' mom
From NY
I'm so happy that my kids told me this Python class was so much fun, he even said he want to take Python class every day.
boy, asian, anime
From Dallas
My children all like the class of Baycodingclub very much. At present, my older child and second child are taking Python class, and my younger daughter is taking Game Design with Scratch class. Thanks to Baycodingclub, my children like it very much and are willing to continue learning.
punk, dude, duy
Frank Lee
From NY
I am also a software engineering, and I am very concerned about my children's programming enlightenment. I am happy, because Ethan met a very good first teacher of programming, and he fell in love with it. Teacher Yixing is very patient and always take care of every student's learning state and mood.
boy, lightning, sunlight
Ethan' dad
From Bay area