Why study coding even there is no exam requirement for the program?

Why do we need to study coding even though there is no exam requirement for the program?

Studying coding can be a highly beneficial learning experience that you can take on, even if you have no intention of becoming a certified coder or developer. Taking the time to study coding can have a number of benefits for other subjects and in the way, you see the world. Here are some of the top benefits of learning how to code:

It will open up job opportunities even without a certification:

Mentioning that you have some skills in coding or programming can make you an instantly more versatile professional in your future career path. You may even be able to offer your skills as a freelancer in-app projects, websites, and more.

It helps you understand technology:

Knowledge of code can be important to help you understand technology. Being fluent in a programming language could make it easier to learn software, understand how a machine works or figure our concepts in working with tech in the future.

It improves your skills in mathematics:

Coding can be a lot like creating equations and as you get more practice at certain types of coding, you can find that your understanding of mathematics can grow alongside your knowledge of coding.

It can help you take on a new challenge:

Learning to code can be a fun challenge and you can feel an amazing sense of accomplishment when you compile your first program or work towards solving a problem with code.

You can start anytime:

Anyone can learn how to code and it doesn’t take years of study or a massive tuition fee to learn. You can pick up the basics at home with a fairly simple computer or with the help of a skilled coder as your guide.

These are just a few of the top reasons to study coding if you are interested in taking on a new hobby.