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Minecraft Blockly JavaScript Creation Level 2

Original price was: $398.00.Current price is: $358.00. on the 7th of each month

Please register first and then put it into the cart, the student’s name must be a real name.

Class Title:  Minecraft Blockly Javascript Creation
Duration: 3 sessions in total, each needs 8 classes
Class Time: starts from 9/14(Monday/Thursday), 2:30-3:30pm PT, 5:30-6:30pm ET

ZOOM ID will be sent by Email ( the email when you pay)


  • Complete level 1 Minecraft Plugin Creation or possess a good understanding of coding constructs such as: functions, loops, lists, if-else statements, variables, and timers
  • Willing to participate and give Minecraft programming project suggestions

This is a monthly charge by BayCodingClub, unless you cancel 2 weekdays before next pay, until the program ends. Your subscription will automatically renew every month. You will be charged on each renewal until you cancel in your account settings or by submitting a help email to If you cancel, previous charges will not be refunded, but you may continue to use the service until the end of the term you paid for.

Terms & Conditions

Please note the student’s name in the notes, we will send you information to the filled email when you check out. Be sure to check that email. 

Out of stock

First payment: April 7, 2025

This course will guide the student step-by-step to create minigame projects in Minecraft.
Each project will highlight different Minecraft features such as joining a server, creating a lobby, a scoreboard, determining a game-winner, special weapons, and many other Minecraft properties and capabilities.
Ultimately each student will be shown how to populate and administrate their own public server that will be available to any player with an internet connection.

Class Description HomeWork
1 Title Bar Make title bars based on player location
2 Detect Player Room Location Make message only appear on entrance
3 Special Weapons
4 Global Game Data
5 Block Data
6 Player/Entity Data
7 Creating Playing Cards
8 Adding special effects to buttons
9 Exploding (TNT) scaffold
10 Flying minecart
11 Spawn creatures and modify type (such as the baby zombie, or villager types) and equip with armor
12 Detect dropping an item in a hopper
13 Team beacons
14 Special Weapon: RPG (Firework)
15 Riding/controlling mobs
16 Cage Potion
17 Cage Potion Antidote
18 Protection from friendly damage
19 Assigning damage from cobwebs
20 HealAura (Opposite of KillAura)
21 Useful server commands used at the start of a game
22 Show your own images on a map
23 Power Staffs
24 Powered Minecarts


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