Game Design with Scratch
Put an idea and creation into the kids-friendly, MIT programming platform. Learn code and game design in a fun way!
Scratch is a simple graphical programming platform designed by MIT for children. Children can create their own ideas by dragging and dropping the colorful programming sentence. Scratch is a great way for kids to get started with programming and game design. It helps children learn to creativity, work collaboratively, and problem-solving.——essential skills for the era of AI.
Select one Class
Level 1-4 : Wednesday 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm PT
Level 4 : Wednesday 2:10 pm – 3:10 pm PT
Level 1-4 : Wednesday 3:45 pm – 4:45 pm PT
Level 3&4 : Tuesday 4:30 pm-5:30 pm PT
Before you sign up, please read below carefully about the new session level 1-4
- This enrollment is a new class from beginning level 1-level 4, the under below is the course description of each level.
- The tuition fee will be charged every 4 weeks at the class start date., you can cancel 48 hours before the beginning of the charge date.
- You can send email or call us for helping.
- If you cancel, previous charges will not be refunded, but you may continue to use the service until the end of the term you paid for.

Let your creativity shine through the innovative curriculum
Scratch Level 1
8 weeks, 1 hour/week
In this level, we will introduce children to the world of Scratch, a kid-friendly, MIT software coding environment. kids will learn the basics of how to use scratch coding interface and put their idea and creation into the a interesting game’s design& building.
Animate name
Dance Party
Drawing Pen
Digital Storybook
Cooking Mama

Let your creativity shine through the innovative curriculum
Scratch Level 2
8 weeks, 1 hour/week
This is level 2 of our Scratch programming class. It is based on Level 1, through which students learn basic programming languages and Scratch concepts. Children will use this knowledge to design more challenging games and learn deeper computer science concepts. The BCC builds a project in each class, from animation, to games, to graphic design and storytelling, and so on. Students’ problem-solving skills and creativity will be further enhanced.
Collecting Gold
Catching Falling Apples
Swimming Race
Maze Race
Pong Game

Let your creativity shine through the innovative curriculum
Scratch Level 3
8 weeks, 1 hour/week
The class of level three will cover the most advanced Scratch coding knowledge. Students will be challenged through the advanced game design projects. They are encouraged to design their own games and bring it to class to play with their classmates. They will also learn how to make continuous games and how to organize the design process into multiple steps and code efficiently.
Fruit Ninja
Platformer Game

Let your creativity shine through the innovative curriculum
Scratch Level 4
8 weeks, 1 hour/week
The class of level three will cover the most advanced Scratch coding knowledge. Students will be challenged through the advanced game design projects. They are encouraged to design their own games and bring it to class to play with their classmates. They will also learn how to make continuous games and how to organize the design process into multiple steps and code efficiently.
Flappy Bird
2D Minecraft
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