
AMC 8/10/12/AIME ( summer bootcamps/ in person and online)

Original price was: $4,455.00.Current price is: $1,540.00.


1. Beginner’s class for AMC 8/Mathcounts:

When: starting June 18 and ending on August 31 with total of 38.5 hours (Our other  regular Math programs start on September 6),We meet 3.5 hours a week: Sunday: 10:00am-12:00pm PST 1:00 -3:00 PM EST, and Wednesdays: 1:00-2:30pm PST, 4:00-5:30 PM EST.
Where: Online with Webex or in-Person at  HI 103, 181 White Street, Danbury, CT 06810.

What to cover: We’ll concentrate on the following four areas:

1) Basic plane geometry;

2) Basic number theory;

3) Basic counting and probability.

4) Basic algebra

2 Intermediate/Advanced class for AMC10/12/AIME/SUA(J)MO

When: starting June 16 and ending on August 30 with total of 38.5 hours (Our regular
program starts on September 6). We meet 3.5 hours a week: Saturdays: 10:30am -12:30pm PST, 1:30pm -3:30pm EST,
and Tuesdays: 1:00-3:30pm PST, 4:00-5:30 PM Eastern time.
Where: Online with Webex or in-Person at  HI 103, 181 White Street, Danbury, CT 06810.

What to cover:

We’ll concentrate on the following four areas:

1) Advanced plane geometry;

2) Advanced number theory;

3) Advanced counting and probability.

4)Advanced algebra

Rate: $40/hour.  


We have one month in advance notification policy for cancelation, please  send an email to one month before you cancel the class.

WebEx will need to download if you register this class. the invitation link, will be sent 24 hours before the class starts.

Please write all information in the notes carefully when you check out. We will not responsible for any unsuccessful registration caused by the wrong information.

  1. Student’s Name (First, LAST)
  2. Student’s Email
  3. Student’s Grade
  4. Student’s School (School Name, County, State, Post Code)
  5. Parent’s Name and Relationship (First, LAST; Father/Mother/Guardian/Other[Specify])
  6. Parent’s Email and Contact Number
SKU: Math-summer-camp 2023 Category:

AMC (American Mathematics Competitions) is a program led by MAA ( Bay Coding Club is a registered school (School Code: 13581L) for AMC.

AMC is mainly divided into three levels: AMC 8, AMC 10 and AMC 12 and AIME.

1. Beginner’s class for AMC 8/Mathcounts:

When: starting June 18 and ending on August 31 with total of 38.5 hours (Our other  regular Math programs start on September 6),We meet 3.5 hours a week: Sunday: 10:00am-12:00pm PST 1:00 -3:00 PM EST, and Wednesdays: 1:00-2:30pm PST, 4:00-5:30 PM EST.
Where: Online with Webex or in-Person at  HI 103, 181 White Street, Danbury, CT 06810.

What to cover: We’ll concentrate on the following four areas:

1) Basic plane geometry;

2) Basic number theory;

3) Basic counting and probability.

4) Basic algebra

2 Intermediate/Advanced class for AMC10/12/AIME/SUA(J)MO

When: starting June 16 and ending on August 30 with total of 38.5 hours (Our regular
program starts on September 6). We meet 3.5 hours a week: Saturdays: 10:30am -12:30pm PST, 1:30pm -3:30pm EST,
and Tuesdays: 1:00-3:30pm PST, 4:00-5:30 PM Eastern time.
Where: Online with Webex or in-Person at  HI 103, 181 White Street, Danbury, CT 06810.

What to cover:

We’ll concentrate on the following four areas:

1) Advanced plane geometry;

2) Advanced number theory;

3) Advanced counting and probability.

4)Advanced algebra


BayCodingClub 2025 Summer also has
Advanced Math and Programming Research Program 

If you want your child to embark on a research journey, our advanced research program is the ideal choice for them!

Project Overview

Project: Yau Science Awards + JMM + Advanced World-Class Research Papers and Projects
(This project requires a strong background in mathematics and programming and is open to selected students only.)
Goal: To cultivate students’ research abilities and support their college applications, research competitions, and academic publications.

  • Yau Science Awards: May 14 – August 30, 2025
  • JMM (Joint Mathematics Meetings): September 2025 – January 2026
    Undergraduate (and selected outstanding middle and high school students) research poster sessions will take place, allowing participants to compete side-by-side with top undergraduates at the JMM.
  • Advanced Research Project (AI/Mathematical Biology, etc): January 2026 – May 2026
    After the Yau Science Awards project concludes on August 30, I will continue to guide students in revising their research papers for potential journal publication, as well as in preparing PPT presentations for the JMM and various domestic and international high school research competitions (for advanced students – selection required).

Format: Online and in-person

Prerequisites (to be completed by May 14):

  • Calculus I, II, and part of III (partial derivatives)
    (If needed, I can provide a brief tutorial to cover these materials.)
  • Basic Statistics
    (If needed, I can provide a brief tutorial to cover these materials.)
  • Basic Programming Skills (MATLAB, R, or Python)
    (Students must self-study these skills by June 15.)

Research Program Schedule:

  • Yau Science Awards 

May 14 – July 14 (Tuesdays & Thursdays):
Learn Linear Algebra, Machine Learning, and Wavelet Analysis through WebEx online classes.

Starting June 13 (Saturdays & Sundays):
Discuss research directions, read academic papers, and collect & preprocess data.

July 14 – August 30 (Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays):
Engage in full-time research and prepare the Yau Science Awards paper submission
(Note: Last year’s deadline was August 20.)

  • From September to January of the following year :
    Prepare JMM submissions and presentations (presentation scheduled for 2026 in Washington, D.C.)
    Full-time research may involve applying basic programming skills (e.g., MATLAB, R, or Python).
  • (AI/Mathematical Biology, etc) January 2026 – May 2026

About Professor Wang, Xiaodi:

Professor Wang, Xiaodi is a mathematics professor at Western Connecticut State University (WCSU) with over 40 years of experience coaching students in math competitions, including:

  • 1995: Coach for the USA National Math Team
  • 1989: Guided an IMO gold medalist
  • 1995: Coached students who earned three silver and two bronze medals at the IMO
  • 1998: Guided a top-10 finalist in the Putnam Competition

In addition, Professor Wang has supervised numerous research projects for both undergraduates and high school students. Highlights include:

  • 7 undergraduate research projects and 10 high school research projects that have won outstanding research awards at the Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM) and MathFest (2013, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023).
  • 17 high school research projects have earned prestigious international awards, including:
    • Top 300 scholars in the Regeneron Science Talent Search (Regeneron STS) for 2021, 2023, 2024, and 2025
    • Yau Science Awards: Global Bronze (2013), Honorable Mentions (2017), Global Silver (2019);
    • Yau Science Awards (USA Division): Gold (2017, 2019), Silver (2021), Honorable Mentions (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024);
    • Yau Science Awards (China Northeast Division): First Prize (2016, 2017, 2019);
    • Aspirations in Computing Award: National winner (2023) and regional winner (2022, 2023, 2024).

To date, his students have published 53 research papers (including 17 undergraduate papers and 36 high school papers) in numerous prestigious journals and conference proceedings.

Recent Research Project Awards (2019 – 2024):

His projects have repeatedly received top international competition awards including the Yau Science Awards, Regeneron STS, JMM, and MathFest.
Award Highlights:

  • 2019: Yau Science Awards (North America) Gold & Global Silver
  • 2019: Yau Science Awards (Northern China Division) Semifinalist
  • 2019: National Outstanding Student Research Award at JMM Undergraduate Poster Session
  • 2020: National Outstanding Student Research Award at JMM Undergraduate Poster Session
  • 2021: National Outstanding Student Research Award at JMM Undergraduate Poster Session
  • 2021: Yau Science Awards (North America) Silver
  • 2022: Yau Science Awards (North America) Honorable Mention
  • 2023: Regeneron STS Scholar Award
  • 2023: Aspirations in Computing Award – National & Regional Winner
  • 2024: Regeneron STS Scholar Award
  • 2024: NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Award – National Honorable Mention
  • 2025: Regeneron STS Scholar Award

Email us for more information about the above Research:


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