2D Game Design with Python Pygame

$198.00 on the 25th of each month

Time: 6/26- 11/6,  Friday 2:30-3:30 pm PT (California time)20 weeks, Monthly payment.

Course arrangement: Three levels in total. Level 1 (6 courses),  Level 1 (7 courses), Level 1 (7 course)

Prerequisites: Students should know python basics.

Your subscription will automatically renew every month. You will be charged  on each renewal until you cancel in your account settings or by submitting a help email to baycodingclub.com. If you cancel, previous charges will not be refunded, but you may continue to use the service until the end of the term you paid for.

Please note the student’s name in the notes when you check out. We will send you the information to your email. Be sure to check that email.

Out of stock


First payment: April 25, 2025


Course description:

  • Students will learn about the various aspects of 2D game design using a programing language, and how to implement them in Python using the PyGame library.


  • Students will learn the components of the PyGame library. Such as: displays and graphical methods. 2. Game design theory, such as the concepts of game loops, state-based games, and Object Oriented Programming. 3. Basic computer art, drawing graphics, and making simple 2D animations. Adding music and sound effects. 4. Simple UI elements, menus, and file I/O.


  • Students will learnto how to connect these elements, layout levels using a visual editor, and link together different levels and game states.


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