Math in Coding
The student would like to take additional classes to get more involved in Coding. Most of coding classes are based on particular Math knowledge points, so it will be easier for the students if they would like to go further in our coding paths.
Competitive Math
Pre-Algebra | Section 1 of whole level
This is the course focus on all concepts in Pre-Algebra and get our students ready for math competitions such as MATHCOUNTS, MOEMS and AMC 8. It prepares students for the rigor of algebra, and teaches them the ability to solve problems.
Topics for WHOLE level Pre-Algebra course:
- Properties of arithmetic | Exponents | Prime numbers and divisors | Fractions | Equations and inequalities | Decimals | Ratios and ratios | Unit conversions and ratios | Percentages | Square roots | Basic geometry | Statistics | Counting | Probability | Others
Introduction to Algebra
This is the course focus on all concepts in Pre-Algebra and get our students ready for math competitions such as MATHCOUNTS, MOEMS and AMC 8. It prepares students for the rigor of algebra, and teaches them the ability to solve problems.
Topics for WHOLE level Pre-Algebra course:
- Properties of arithmetic | Exponents | Prime numbers and divisors | Fractions | Equations and inequalities | Decimals | Ratios and ratios | Unit conversions and ratios | Percentages | Square roots | Basic geometry | Statistics | Counting | Probability | Others
Elementary Math
- 1st Session
What is math?
Lewis Caroll puzzles - 2nd Session
Animal puzzles
Some lewis carroll - 3rd Session
Lewis Caroll
If they finish, cryptogram
Watermelon Language (time permitting) - 4th Session
The cup problem
Explain what is parity - 5th Session
The 25 flower problem
The skywriter problem
Traversing various shapes - 6th Session
Intro to graph theory
Bridges of Konigsberg
The ramsey theory problem
- 7th Session
Prime numbers & factoring
Intro set theory & venn diagrams
Union, intersection, complement - 8th Session
The pigeonhole principle & problems - 9th Session
Cardinality, infinity
Diagonalization argument
Prove that various infinities are equal
Infinite hotel - 10th Session
Prisoner’s Dilemma & explain
Describe what is game theory
Make 15 - 11th Session
Magic squares + activities
Show isomorphism to make 15 - 12th Session
2 row nim
Multi axis chess
Show the isomorphism
Middle School Math
- 1st Session
What is math?
Animal Puzzles - 2nd Session
Intro set theory & venn diagrams
Union, intersection, complement
Lewis Caroll
Discuss what is a proof - 3rd Session
Direct proof (deductive proofs), and using cases to prove something with set theory - 4th Session
Cardinality - 5th Session
The cup problem
Evenness / oddness
Related proofs & proof by contradiction - 6th Session
Proving the cup problem
Proving the 25 flower problem
The leapfrog problem
- 7th Session
The skywriter problem
Bridges of konigsberg
Intro graph theory
Euler characteristic
Friendship graph - 8th Session
Prove that a graph with n vertices and at least n nodes will have at least 1 loop
Motivate proof by induction
Introduce proof by induction
Towers of Hanoi - 9th Session
Proof by induction - 10th Session
Pigeonhole principle and problems - 11th Session
Prisoner’s dilemma
Game theory
1 row nim
Make 15
Magic Squares - 12th Session
2 row nim
Multi-axis chess
Prove the isomorphism