Website Designer& Developer
Website Design and Develop
For kids 9-15 years old
Three levels, 10 classes/level, 1 hour/week
There are at least 1.7 billion websites in the world today. Practically all of these websites use HTML/CSS in one way or the other. It sounds like a great idea. Hence the reason why we’ve put together this HTML/CSS and Javascript tutorial for beginners. In this online class, we introduce students to the website knowledge.
Session: Whole Level / Semi-Private (3-6 students)
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm PT, Saturday
Start Date – 9/24/2022
Session: Whole Level / Group (6-8 students)
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm PT, Sunday
Starts Date – 9/25/2022

Connect the world with a click–a combination of arts & science
Level 1: HTML& CSS
Course Description:
In level one of this course. Students will learn the HTML basic structures, and some of the most important HTML elements, and their attributes. On CSS, students will learn the fundamentals of CSS, such as how to include CSS, basic selectors, box-model and element positions. We will also learn how to change color, use images, and simple transformation and transitions.
In this level 1 course, the project will be centered around building a personal blog web page. We will build this web page along the whole course. In each lesson, we will either add new sections to the web page, or refactor it using what learned in the lesson.

Connect the world with a click–a combination of arts& science
Level 2: HTML& CSS
Course Description:
In level 2 of this course, students will start with intermediate CSS skills, such as pseudo elements, advanced CSS selectors, and selector specificity. We are also going to learn how to write better and easily manageable CSS, and some animation. The course will also include some elements of basic visual design principles, such as how to choose the right font, color base for the project. Students will also learn how to publish their web page, how to optimize the site performance. business.
In this level 2 course, the project will be centered around building a web site for a fictional business. In each class lesson, we will be building a new section of the web site and apply new technologies.

Connect the world with a click–a combination of arts& science
Level 3: Javascript
Course Description:
In level 3 of this course, advanced CSS topics such as responsive web design, responsive images, flexbox, and Grid will introduced. We will also learn the basics of Javascript programming language and the API of browser to manipulating DOM elements. Students will learn how to use Javascript to add more interactions to the page. For the project, the course will initially focus on refactoring previous page with better layout based on flexbox or Grid.
In the level 3 of this course, the project will be centered around a building an interactive game.
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